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Latham's Landing II: Return to Cairn Isle by Tara Fox Hall

"A Latham's Landing II: Return to Cairn Isle"

A Latham's Landing Novel

by Tara Fox Hall

Latham’s Landing is a cursed island mansion that dwells like a sitting spider on a long clear lake in the Northeast. Red granite stones make its skeleton. Lights form at night in its windows, though the electricity there has been off for some time. Winding out from the isle is a long narrow stone bridge that snakes to a house of glass known as The Sea Room. On some nights, The Sea Room also lights up, burning like a pyre of Hell as Cairn Isle welcomes new victims. Winds tend to come up out of nowhere, becoming tempests of lightning and rough waves in mere minutes that overturn boats with childish ease. Time passes differently there, the hours slipping away like minutes. Stories of ghosts and disappearances abound, and it is hard to say what is truth and what comes from fear. For the isle wears an unspeakable menace like a permanent cloak, and none who come close enough to see anything—and live to tell about it—ever tell all that they have seen.

Until now.

Frustrated that Cairn Isle has claimed another new batch of victims, retired police Chief Stahl strikes back, buying the property and flooding Cairn Isle, stopping the killings. Yet black hissing shadows and worse haunt the island shore, venturing inland. People begin to disappear. Island survivor Barb, reporter Cheer, pastor Maryanne and even the psychic Jean Bane join with Stahl in an effort to destroy the evil forces of Cairn Isle at all costs.

The Emancipation of Emily by Dorothy Stephens

The Emancipaton of Emily

by Dorothy Stephens

In 1890, Emily Ayers, an illiterate eighteen-year-old, is living on the edge of the Pine Barrens in Southern New Jersey.

She goes to a nearby town to care for the sick wife and three children of the Reverend Josiah Fairchild, a distant relative. When his wife, Retty dies, the Reverend marries Emily. As the wife of a prominent minister, Emily is faced with many challenges: coping with the disapproval of some of the church congregation; learning to be a wife and a stepmother to rebellious Jack and shy Noah; and finding a way to learn to read.

She is shamed by her father’s outrageous behavior that includes getting drunk and causing a disastrous fire, and worried about her mother alone back on the farm. With her friend Sarah she joins the exciting new Suffragist movement, and when Sarah’s brother Charles moves back to town, Emily’s life takes on a new direction.

The Aregon Files Volume 2 by Herbert Grosshans

Mission Aurora

Operation Stargate #5

by Herbert Grosshans

Aurora, an unimportant planet far away from the regular trade routes. The human colonists had turned their back on technology and chosen to live the way people lived in the Dark Ages of Earth. Major Jeremy Falcon and his Accilla partner, Alita, were sent to Aurora to investigate the rumors that giant Ants were abducting people and were possibly getting ready to invade the planet. Traveling on horseback from town to town, they faced prejudice and religious zealots. They began to wonder if the rumors about giant ants had been exaggerated. What they found was much more sinister and shocking. They raced against time trying to avert an incident that could spark a war between the Osirian Empire and the Solar Union. The discovery they made suddenly drew the interest of all the major races that lived on this side of the galactic wheel.

The Aregon Files Volume 2 by Herbert Grosshans

Witches and Kings

Witches & Warriors #2

by J. H. Wear

The two feuding orders of witches study a prophesy that forecasts the rise of a great evil. Their reluctance to join together is accented when peace is broken, and war breaks out between two warring kingdoms.

Prince Terrowin, the youngest son of King Grayson, is forced into exile, when the Kingdom of Dwykath attacks the Kingdom of Allisure. Magic is used in the bloody battle, signifying the evil force, controlled by Master Diablo, will use any means to win. Terrowin travels to the remote parts of the world, waiting for a time he can return to reclaim his heritage.

As an evil force asserts control of the land, Dorian of the Dark Rose witches, and his step-sister, Ayleth of the White Rose order, conspire to fight the evil forces. They know they must reunite the two orders of witches, and need the help of Prince Terrowin, if and when he returns.

The Aregon Files Volume 2 by Herbert Grosshans

The Aregon Files, Volume 2

Operation Stargate #4

by Herbert Grosshans

Aregon, 447 lightyears from the Solar System, a peculiar planet populated by varied races, some of them living under primitive conditions while some have reached a level of technology similar to that of the middle ages on Earth, has aroused the interest of the Solar Union. The Coalition sends a team of highly trained agents to discover the location of the star-portal that is rumored to exist on Aregon. The official reason for the team being on Aregon is to search for a group of archaeologists that has disappeared.

After they are captured by a band of Apovians, shapeshifters from the other side of the portal and then freed by Swrendii soldiers, the agents are back on their way to Skeout where they hope to find the missing scientists. To discover the location of the star-portal may also be within their grasp.

When another band of Apovians captures the team, Salabet, a Spider in a human body, and her Spider soldiers intervene and kill the ambushers.

The Misplaced by Terry Sanville

The Misplaced

by Terry Sanville

Will living in big cities drive you crazy? Just ask commercial artist Charles Colgrove. In 1951, under psychiatrist’s orders, he flees his suburban Long Island home and job in New York City with his wife and three young daughters. After a long train ride, they arrive in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country, at a 200-year-old farm that is falling apart from years of neglect.

As Charles struggles to regain his mental health and establish a home and art studio, his family finds that they are less than welcome in their rural community. They occupy prime farmland but let it go fallow, an inexcusable waste according to the locals.

Margaret, the eldest daughter and a budding artist in her own right, chronicles the physical and mental challenges that the family faces – polio, poverty, alcoholism, loneliness, rejection, overbearing in-laws, sexual assault, exposure to tuberculosis, isolation at school – to name a few.

Will they survive and adapt in this rural culture that seems alien to them? Or will the Colgroves disintegrate, or worse yet, return to the madness of big city life?

The Ravening Wolves by Gary S. Cadet

The Ravening Wolves

Null & Boyd Noir #4

by Gary S. Kadet

Boston has a problem.

Children are disappearing off the street and only Null is noticing, because he relies on what he calls his “minnows” to make his meth deliveries in return for care and a future that includes college scholarships.

Meanwhile Boyd is out on loan to regional FBI offices in Chelsea, where she’s working with Special Agent and Forensic Accountant Joel Thrawn who exploits her street savvy to “make his bones” as a field agent. His first order of business?

Bust wide open The Gangsta Boyz meth ring and arrest their Shot Caller, a shadowy figure known only as Null.

Behind the disappearing children is an unholy alliance of Cardinal Cromulent of the Archdiocese of Boston and the crypto-satanic group Ordo Templi Orientis as well as “Auntie Nonie Fomites,” chief administrator of Bethlehem Youth Placement and Adoption Services, who’s profiting from children separated from their parents at the Southern Border, paid to accept them only to sell them to Cardinal Cromulent for his special program Defensores Fidei de Puero – “Defenders of the Faith of the Child.”

As Null and Boyd together with Agent Thrawn close in on the malefactors, Crime Boss Malek “The Mallet” Turbot, permanently maimed by Null in his takeover of the Boston criminal underground, has imported ace hitman Innokenty Gorets to take out Null permanently and exact his revenge.

The Aregon Files Volume 1 by Herbert Grosshans

The Aregon Files Volume 1

Operation Stargate #3

by Herbert Grosshans

A group of archaeologists has gone missing on Aregon. Aregon is not part of the Ventairian Empire, but it is controlled by Ventairian interest groups. There are rumors about a star-portal on Aregon and the Coalition is willing to risk everything to gain control over the portal and make certain is doesn’t fall into the hands of the Crows.

Even though there is a Scouts Base in Sirrissi, the capital of Aregon, information about the planet is sketchy. The Union sends Colonel Ronald Madigan of the Solar Union Special Forces, Major Anton Moretti of the Scout’s Special Forces, and Captain Lea Belancher of Solar Intelligence to find out what happened to the scientists. However, their real mission is to locate the star-portal.

The team has to endure sandstorms and freezing nights as it travels across an unforgiving desert, battle bands of renegades and at the same time try to get along with each other.

Once the location of the portal is known, the Coalition will execute a sinister plan to gain control over the star-portal. Madigan does not agree with that plan, but he has to follow orders or face the consequences, to be court marshalled being only one of them.

Missed Cue by Lynn Slaughter

Missed Cue

by Lynn Slaughter

When ballerina Lydia Miseau dies onstage in the final dress rehearsal of Romeo and Juliet, homicide detective Caitlin O’Connor is faced with the most complicated case of her career. She strongly suspects that someone murdered the ballerina, and her investigation uncovers several people close to the star who had reasons to kill her. But the autopsy reveals no apparent cause of death. If Lydia Miseau was murdered, who did it, and how?

Meantime, there’s Caitlin’s hot mess of a personal life. She has a bad habit of getting involved with married men. She knows it’s wrong, so why does she keep entangling herself in unhealthy relationships? She’s finally decided to go into therapy to find out.

The Gilpin Girls by Jane Carver

Dare To Tell

by Tara Fox Hall

Urban single woman Jean Bane denies her dreams and ghostly visitations of impending death until a horrific active shooter event clarifies the messages as portents. In the aftermath, more ghosts visit Jean, saving her yet again in a car accident and asking for her to “come to Evergreen Hall”, to “bring it to justice”. Dreading their requests for aid, Jean ignores the ghosts and tries to go back to her former life. But after ghostly interference saves her life a third time, Jean leaves her boyfriend and friends for the small town of Blodgett Mills, to help restore the old estate called Evergreen Hall.

The new owner Carlton Fairhaven IV, real estate developer and recovering alcoholic, has grand plans for the family property, including transforming it into a bed and breakfast capitalizing on the Fairhaven family’s colorful history while downplaying the double series of murders of young girls decades before. But the crumbling mansion has ghosts of its own, many of which have witnessed or committed murder. When local young women began to go missing as they did ten years prior, Jean must decide if she dares to expose the hidden truth that has long festered within Evergreen Hall.

The Gilpin Girls by Jane Carver

The Gilpin Girls

by Jane Caever

An ideal life for three sisters in the late 1800s meets drastic detours, requiring some odd decisions. Birth, deaths, betrayal and lasting friendships happen when the Gilpin girls set out to solve some of life’s biggest challenges.

Rude Awakenings by Christopher Carrolli

Rude Awakenings

The Paranormal Investigator #9

Christopher Carrolli

Several years ago, Dylan Rasche was abducted by the Green Valley UFO, otherwise known as the “Phantom in the Sky.” For years, Dylan remained unable to recall the memories of his abduction, except for a recurring dream of a strange black-eyed boy wearing a hooded sweatshirt. But months ago, Dylan remembered everything. Afterward, Dylan wrote a memoir of his abduction experience which prompted other abductees to remember and come forward. As they did, they realized they had one specific thing in common, dreams of strange black-eyed children.

Now, these odd children have claimed the abductees are their parents and have begun stalking them. But the truth is too hard to believe for those have been abducted, had their memories erased, and have now been rudely awakened. The Black-Eyed Kids have made their presences known in the worst possible way. Now, the investigators must confront them face-to-face where it all began on Eagle Rock Mountain. But when the truth about the BEK is revealed, it brings Rude Awakenings to the team and those they have sworn to help and protect.

So, Let Me Get This Straight by Richard H. Kirshen

So, Let Me Get This Straight

Richard H. Kirshen

Picture two individuals that have never been exposed to the belief systems of Americans, when it comes to religion, the environment, or our education system. How would they perceive our incredibly ridiculous and unfounded thought processes? Instead of using individuals that grew up on a deserted island or a cave, having had no contact with humanity, the story unfolds following two humanoid aliens who arrived for a visit. They are witty, politically incorrect, and possess certain powers that are intermittently released throughout the narrative. Add to this a backdrop of visiting and critiquing various cities throughout the USA, and a modicum of sexual contact between the visitors and their escorts. The book makes for a fun and fact filled journey into the minds of Americans and how many of our thought processes have nothing to do with fact, reality or the betterment of our society.

Siren Hunter by George Dismukes

"Siren Hunter"

by George Dismukes

Angie Holland thought she was through with Belize forever. But a TV news report about the mysterious disappearance of several scuba divers at the Great Blue Hole sent chills up her spine. As much as the tried to reject the idea, in her heart, she knew the job was not finished. She thought the siren was dead! She had followed the formula precisely to make sure that Maris had been dispatched. Every instruction, including use of the obsidian dagger, had been followed to the letter. Now, it seemed like a recurring bad dream, the bitch was back!

Or was she? There is no way that Maris could have survived. Several people, including Angie had seen her dissolve into a pile of ashes. Could this new havoc be brought on by her equally evil sister? There was only one way to find out, and only one person to do it. Angie picked up the phone and made reservations for the quickest flight to Belize.

Jack Slade: Take Down by Richard Dawes

"Take Down"

Jack Slade #11

Richard Dawes

After a car accident, Jack Slade stays with a farming family in a small rural town. He helps the son and two daughters solve their problems. A criminal organization has made the town its headquarters, and Slade is asked to look into the situation. The result is an action packed tale where Slade decimates an army of gunmen, eliminates their leadership, then discovers the person behind it all is someone he never suspected.

Back Stabber by J. H. Wear

"Back Stabber"

J. H. Wear

Bloody Murder.

The pain in his back was excruciating from multiple stab wounds. He recovered enough strength to crawl over his smashed cellphone, trying to reach his desk where there was a landline phone. He heard footsteps, and a familiar voice. His cries for help resulted in another attack, this time fatal.

Detectives Moss Stone and Anya Roberts come across the body showing multiple stabbing in his back and his throat slit. The autopsy showed two different knives were used, making the detectives believe there were two suspects involved in the killing.

The attack indicated the murder was personal, which presented several viable suspects. The victim was cheating on his wife, blackmailing a woman and swindling a former convict.

The victim’s wife, the blackmailed woman, the former convict and the husband of one of the women the victim had an affair with, all knew each other. A few weeks earlier they were at the same party hosted by the victim.

The suspects all had great alibis. But one, or more, of the suspects were lying. When the detectives discovered nude photos on the victim’s computer, clues of who really wanted him dead began to be revealed.

Bloodlines of Atmos: The Story of Jace, book 3: Sanctuary by J. P. Edgar

"The Story of Jace: Redemption"

Bloodlines of Atmos #3

J. P. Edgar

From the pinnacle to the pit, Jace digs deep to bring himself out from the trenches of self-loathing. With the help of an unexpected friend, he seeks to rebuild his roots and find purpose in his life, and his past holds the answers.

But his absence from the war wouldn’t last long. The Order and the Evolved seek him out. And no matter how hard he tries to leave the conflict behind him, Jace gets thrown into battle from unseen forces. Only then does he discover that his absence and his inactiveness would put countless lives in jeopardy.

But how would he survive without the resources from The Order? Only those who are at the most risk could save his life, and save humanity.

High Body Count by Gary S. Kadet

"High Body Count"

Null & Boyd Noir #3

Gary S. Kadet

After the grotesque revenge murder of her adopted son by a kiddie-porn ring, Detective Lieutenant Kay Boyd has a mental breakdown that plunges her into a deep depression. Now the undisputed “Meth King” of Boston, arch-criminal Joseph Xavier Null tries to convince Boyd that to cure herself she should join with him in his strategy to start at the top of the top of the ring—the Hebe Group—and kill their way down.

At first she refuses, but Null proposes that Boyd approach members of the Hebe Group and offer them the opportunity to surrender themselves, or deal with murderous psychopath Null, who will torture and kill them.

Null finds himself drugged and delivered to Hebe Group hitmen by criminal contract killer Janis, who in the nick of time decides to side with Null. Later, she and Boyd wind up rescuing Null again, this time from the creepy psychopath known as the Expert. But Hebe Group has their own expert, the nefarious Legere. It’s going to take Janis, Boyd and the tough street gang run by Null – the Gangsta Boyz – to finish the Hebe Group, whose kiddie porn and child abuse extends from Boston to Dubai.

Jack Slade Hunter of Shadows by Richard Dawes

"Night Duty"

Jack Slade #10

Richard Dawes

A Chief Financial Officer and his lovely assistant discover their employer, in conjunction with the U. S. government, is running a clandestine operation manufacturing bio-chemical weapons. The company and the government discover they know about the operation, which puts their lives in danger. They ask Jack Slade for help. Blood flows and corpses stack up as Slade goes against two different security teams and federal agents as he battles for justice. In an exciting finale, Slade must combat an army of cyborgs.