"Dark Blood" - J.J. Massa
"Dual Vision" - Herbert Grosshans
"FLIPAPACE: Astraeus Event, Missions 1-3" - John Steiner
"FLIPSPACE: Astraeus Event, Missions 4-6" - John Steiner
"FLIPSPACE: Astraeus Event, Missions 7-9" - John Steiner
"FLIPSPACE: Astraeus Event, Missions 10-12" - John Steiner
"Flipspace: Jaded Mars, Missions 13-15" - John Steiner
"Flipspace: Jaded Mars, Missions 16-18 - John Steiner
"From New York to the Smokies" - Wayne Zurl
"Killer Holidays" - C.G. Eberle
"Lantham's Landing" - Tara Fox Hall
"Life's Unexpected Adventures Anthology Vol. 1" - Joanne Rawson
"Life's Unexpected Adventures Anthology Vol. 2" by Joanne Rawson
"Make Me Behave" - Nancy Pirri & Tara Fox Hall
"Promise Me Anthology" - Tara Fox Hall
"Romance Away" - Linda White-Francis
"Shadows & Sensations" - J. H. Wear
"Slow Burn" - J.J. Massa
"Tales of the Heart" - Dennis K. Hausker
"Tampered Tales" - John Steiner
"Time Flares" - Herbert Grosshans