Action & Adventure
"Barer of the Ghost Nation" (Squad V #3) - John Steiner
"Black Rose: Tuscon Kid #8" - Richard Dawes
"Blood Moon" - Richard Dawes
"Castle 1: The Fall to Domum" - J. H. Wear
"Chinatown" - Richard Dawes
"Comanche Gold" - Richard Dawes
"Death of a Hero" - Herbert Grosshans
"Death Song" - Richard Dawes
"The Faenum War" ('Faenum Quest' #3) -
Dennis K. Hausker
"The Gathering Storm" ('Faenum Quest' #2) - Dennis K. Hausker
"Gunman" - Richard Dawes
"Hunter of Shadows" by Richard Dawes
"In Search of the Lost" by Thomas W. Peltier
"The Jaguar's Quest" by George Dismukes
"Little Raven" - A.J. Wildman
"Lone Horseman" - Richard Dawes
"The Lone Werewolf" - Tim Forder
"The Lost City" - George Dismukes
"Mark of the Cobra" - Herbert Grosshans
"Mortus" 'Faenum Quest #1) - Dennis K. Hausker
"Nairobi Bloodstar" - Carole Hall
"A Pirate's Booty" by Carlo Cavazutti
"Siren. Hunter" by George Dismukes
"Siren Song" by George Dismukes
"Siren Song II" by George Dismukes
"Snowflake Girl" (Squad V #2) - John Steiner
"Spekter" - A. J. Wildman"
"Storm Rider: Tuscon Kid #1" - Richard Dawes
"Squad V" (Squad V #1)- John Steiner
"Jack Slade: Take Down" by Richard Dawes
"Web of Conspiracy, Book 2: Traitors and Patriots"
- Herbert Grosshans
"Two Faces of the Jaguar" - George Dismukes